Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Incoherent composition of literary genius

OK… mila is in the other room reading claudia’s book… and I am blogging… half ill from the cheeseburger I stuffed down my throat half an hour ago at some half seedy, half yuppie joint on upper west side… actually there was nothing seedy about it… the place was just dark… and you could clearly tell the yuppiness of the establishment by both the number of regulation finance employee blue shirts worn by the clientele and the wide selection of over-priced and obscure foreign (most likely Belgian) beers….

Anyway… today had my first writing class… actually… now to think of it… really my first writing class… its called something like intermediate fiction… its suppose to help lazy bastards like me complete our life goal of writing a thought out and meaningful and of course commercially successful novel… as a consequence… we will achieve some degree of financial freedom, quit our current miserable jobs and develop a combination of drug/ alcohol/ pain killer habits… we will of course hate outselves more than ever… but it seems like any semi-reasonable life endeavour eventually ends up there… how do I know you ask? This is how my friends – I spent my formative years caddying at a jewish country club… for a bunch of very rich jews… a fair number of whom were self made men… men who were successful in their careers (mostly lawyers and dentists) and achieved if anything a healthy degree of ‘freedom’…. What this freedom seemed to entitle them is to unfathomable degrees of whining and self-pity… a strong sense of your own rights… and an iron will to not over-tip any given member of country club staff (myself included) by a number greater then $5…

Anyway… I forgot where I was going here… the writing class… yes… so I sat in the class… one of 12 devoted pupils – we are like the 12 tribes of Israel… and I choose myself to be Rueven – the cooking tribe… why – I don’t know but it seems the most practical of all of them… let the Levites pray and the Benjamenites rule… or whatever it is… I will stick to cooking bland and unoriginal gastronomical cuisines of Eastern Europe….

The class itself was fine… we had to write spontaneous essays about ourselves and our scars… on both of them I think I wrote the most volume for the least quality… though the one line about me being like a diseased pig seemed to draw a reaction… what was good was that everyone was outside the field of finance… something I assessed immediately, even before the formal introductions… how you might ask? Easy – I was the only one with the sociopathic vulture stare in his eyes… everyone else was calm, seemingly well adjusted and even thoughtful… though there was an older librarian… I respectable looking, older bearded Jewish man who somehow inserted his life story the fact that he has a small p(*&s… but even this managed to come out cultured, in a modern sort of way…

And the class was fine and I spent the good first half of it feeling superior to everyone since I was the asshole from structured finance and no one there knew what a real asshole from structured finance really is like… now to think of it, no one there probably even suspected that such a thing as structured finance even exists… but that’s besides the point… so anyway, there I sat, overlooking everybody, thinking what sheep they are… knowing not a thing of life… for after all, who knows something about life but one who lives in a mad and cannibalistic shop I call my employment… and this feeling of superiority lasted until we started reading our pieces… and I started listening… and it started coming out that everyone here can write… and write pretty originally… and even with a bit of surprising flair… something really surprising to me since the way I see things in this world, no one can have surprising flair but me… but surprised I was… and was… and was… until it was my turn to read… and I looked at my scribbled handwriting... and had a thought in my head that even I cant read my own chicken scratch… and then started talking… or I mean reading… and missing the punctuation marks that I failed to put down in the first place.. and tripped over sentences… and words and nouns and adjectives… and finally over everything… including the diseased pig remark… until it came to me that I was no longer an evil structured finance vulture, by a blush red 31 year old… reading out loud his spontaneous prose for the first time…. And that despite all my personal assurances of self-genius… I was quite average in this room… maybe even below the median… and that if I am to make any headway in this sort of thing… this blushing and stumbling and mumbling and mis-punctuation might have to go… and maybe, just maybe I’ll have to put some honest to god effort into what I do… but again… that requires work and focus and concentration and thought… and where is a scraggly finance finance vulture like me to find these….

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Burma news

here are some CNN reports from Burma... pretty upsetting stuff


Monday, October 1, 2007

A response blog

OK, so I want to start off tonight… by giving full props to my man Magnus for leaving a blog worthy commentary on my entry from 9/24 (and especially referring to it as his rant – that’s all me baby)… I have pasted his comments below for they are well worth of ‘front page’ treatment… and front page on Sivyxa… is high end real estate indeed…

Now let me address some of Magnus’s points… regarding the fact that UN assembly is in NY is an honor… I know… though unfortunately most of us… especially myself… take no advantage of this whatsoever… except for wondering through the UN park once every seven years… looking at the black overfed squirrels who reside there – they are fat and obese creatures indeed… and then posing for pictures next to the well hung elephant whom our own beloved despot, rudy-boy guiliani tried having de-masculanized…. Thank god the elephant is still in one piece, all pieces included…
To a degree I feel like my complaint is still valid… but yea… I guess end of all ends… I don’t have a car… I do take the subway… and all the hoopla surrounding these hypocrite gatherings really is kinda funny to watch… especially when one of their motorcades gets stuck in Rockefeller center traffic and you see the secret service agents start going apeshit…. (this I witnessed on Friday)…

Next point on Magnus’s commentary – my boy Mahmoud Ahmadinejad… I still stick to my guns here… I do totally agree that he should not have been allowed to stand on his Hitler pulpit and spit out his usual idiocies… on the other hand… I am not sure trying to embarrass and humiliate him was the best way to open up a ‘meaningful’ dialogue… for after all, all good people of Persia are going to hear is how their elected representative (Hitler was kind of elected too, now to think of it) got treated like a one eyed leper at a beauty colony by these ingrate American intellectuals…

Magnus – regarding beating you to Burmese commentary – I didn’t think of it before – but the pleasure is all mine J

And finally regarding Burma… who the hell knows… end of all ends… I hope it sorts itself out… what else can be done, by us at least, outside of telling anybody and everybody what an unbelievable place it is – I am not sure…

On other points of the day… I was provided these two fine youtube clips in the last couple of days… one of them is by a deranged queen of a Britney spears fan… and the other (in Russian) is by the mayor of my beloved hometown, Kharkov… both qualify as perhaps some of the funniest things I have ever seen in my life…


Finally… on other matters… a special threat goes out to Lena & Yoga for brainwashing my Mila into thinking that Southern France is quaint and boring and not worthy of a first European visit… the guilt trip on this one, my friends, will be quite large… trust me!!! It took me a full evening last night to sort the mess you made out!!!

On Myanmar - first off all, the thought of you beating me to commenting on this issue has hampered my productivity at work all week. Secondly, I think you are very right - The people of Myanmar are on their own. Sitting as they do in the shadow of and under the protection of China, Nobody will do Anything to help them - not if they lined up their people outside a pagoda and chopped their heads off one by one on CNN. Sanctions don't mean anything to a country with three trading partners - China, India and to a small extent Thailand - who won't participate. As long as all those brainwashed eighteen year olds in the army keep taking orders to shoot from the Generals, the nation is screwed. It makes me angry, and it makes me upset - but there's nothing I can do about it.On having the UN in New York - dude, deal with it. What I wouldn't do to have the world's decision makers - or scratch that, anything of enough international significance so that it would be worth spending a career working on - at my family's doorstep. New Yorkers, unlike the rest of Amercia you're blessed with a functioning public transport system - use it. I've never understood why one would want a car in New York anyway - it's consistently faster to walk across town. Here's an idea... congestion charge...Ahmadinejad - I did not approve of the rude name calling. But everything else I thought they did right. Of course they were right to invite him - students and faculty got engaged, and intellectual debate and awareness was stimulated. Those voices calling in outrage for him not to be allowed to speak - I hate to point this out, but that's just another form of the self-righteous cencorship he practises in Iran. As for how to manage the discussion and letting him say what he wanted to say - the man is an accomplished demagouge. He could have stood there for hours and spewed propaganda, some valid and some not. But the only way the discussion has any value is if there is frank debate. Not rude debate - but ask the tough questions, and when he doesn't answer, tell him he didn't answer. It's the same as a TV interview - if you want something new to come out, ask some real questions.Enough ranting for now...