Monday, June 18, 2007

another thought on my world

ok... so i just realized that its been a month and a half since my last ramble.... so here we go... on another fine monday evening... woke up at 630am to go the passport office.... got there to find a fine queue going around the corner of the building and coming back out in front.... i got in line... and stood next to the immigrants, and the first time citizens and fellow white collar criminals like me, just looking for their bloody passport so they can go spend the dear dollars we've spent all hours of the night leeching off society in debaucherous carribean resorts... hmm... yes... i am suppose to be going to belize with mila... which is wonderful... my passport renewal application is nowhere to be found with 2 weeks to go... thats not so wonderful.... after spending a half hour in line a fine security officer came out, annoucning in quite a convincing manner that we were definetely going to get into the passport office today, though we'd have to sit in the very spot we were standing for only another three to four hours... i bit my lip... thought things over... decided that the officer did seem like an outright ignoramious but given by his practiced insistnce really did know what he was talking about... and given what a valuable contributor i am at work, no way i could afford to miss half a days of work... without feeling it in my january bonus that is.... lord forbid... so fuck it i said and off i went to the subway down to 49th street over to the deli where i got a bagel & lox over to my office where i was the third person on the trading floor and in all likelihood the most miserable one....

the day was spent in a highly productive fashion.... i worked on KYC docs... filled out spreadsheets... watched my beloved next seat neighbour come in with a half a foot gash in the posterior of his suit pants.... thought about the fate of humanity and how my life is connected to it.... harassed some counterparties with truly annoying phone calls... said hello to the head of my group in a highly pleasant manner.... looked over the list of the things to do for the rest of the day and realized i was fucked.... worked on another spreadsheet.... instructed the new admin on how to staple things.... went out and smoked a cigarette and thought of my career progress.... went back upstairs and made some more phone calls... worked on another spreadsheet... learned how many beers my neighbour had over the weekend (at least three dozen).... exchanged some work related jokes i cannot recall.... worked on another spreadsheet... prepared for a meeting with the senior management of my group.... conducted the meeting and was complemented on it, with a certain party noting that it went well.... and that it was especially good since the guy i report to didnt try to make me look like an idiot... which for some reason he seems to enjoy doing.... or as it was clarified to me - i didnt leave the window of opportunity open.... lucky me.... went out and smoked another cigarette... fixed another spreadsheet for the accountant... shared with him the source of my excel genius... worked on another spreadsheet for 3 hours... shit.... its 930pm.... the fine cultural cultural lecture i was suppose to attend with mila has been hopelessly missed... and the asshole 'star trader' just announced that my last 4.5 hours of excel analytics have been a waste.... shoot me in the head.... and off i go home.... wait for 5 minutes for the 4/5 train... Rush is playing... get off at union square... run into Leva from Burning Man and he wants to know if i am going.... fuck... i dont know... i think i am going to belize but dont have a passport.... think i have a career but its really only a job (ok... thats a lie... i know its a job...).... hope i manage to combabulate myself enough to get out the dessert and do some very heavy narcotics to soothe my repressed yuppie moral compass.... but again... who knows.... i still have an 'administrator agreement' to read tonight and its not even midnight yet...